Working For You
The IVNA board and neighborhood volunteers are busy throughout the year representing the Indian Village neighborhood in various ways and working to keep Indian Village a great place to live and have a business!
During the year, IVNA sponsors a variety of events, such as our Annual Meeting, Lincoln Marathon Cheer Station, Block Party, Neighborhood Garage Sale, Fourth of July Bike Parade, Community Pool Party and other fun family events to help you get to know your neighbors.
IVNA advocates for our community by:
Participating in community meetings such as the Mayor’s Roundtable, City Council, Lincoln Parks & Recreation, etc.
Providing content for a neighborhood electronic newsletter, Facebook page, and this website to stay in touch with our neighbors!
Writing letters to the editor, Neighborhood Extra features, and more to promote our great neighborhood.
Co-sponsoring the Arapahoe Community Garden (14th and Arapahoe)
Revitalizing and advocating for Van Dorn Park (Our community park)
Fundraising for improvements and community events
Hosting citizens who are running for elected office to share their positions with our community members.

Above: Indian Village Neighborhood Association meets with partners to conduct a neighborhood Walk Audit on Aug. 29, 2024. The goal is to make Indian Village a safer, more walkable community!

Above: Indian Village Neighborhood Association meets with guests including Lincoln Parks and Recreation, Lincoln Planning Department and a LPS School Board candidate.
Left: IVNA President Megan Grimes testifies in support of the Van Dorn Redevelopment Plan at the April 17, 2023, City Council Meeting.